Culture of Violence Scale

The Culture of Violence Scale is a tool for estimating the acceptance of violence within societies. 

According to our research - and based on the theories of Johan Galtung - wars in the 21st century are only started by countries / societies where violence is accepted in other societal areas as well: In the upbringing of children (corporal punishment), in the treatment of women (domestic violence), the acceptance of capital punishment (the death penalty),  to name a few factors.

You can find it on Researchgate and on LinkedIn (free downloads)

Culture of Violence Scale

What is peace mainstreaming?

 Peace researcher Franz Jedlicka sometimes uses the term "Peace Mainstreaming" to explain which aspects must be taken into account to build or foster sustainable peace . or: to build a "culture of peace":

  • a legal ban of child corporal punishment
  • outlawing judicial corporal punishment
  • outlawing the death penalty (capital punishment)
  • a legal ban of domestic violence against women
  • measures for gender equality
  • outlawing discrimination of LGBTIQ+ persons
  • reducing violence in the media
And, most likely: secularization.

Austrian Forum for Peace 2023

Franz Jedlicka, founder of the BFIF (Office for Interdisciplinary Peace Studies, located in Austria) will also participate in the upcoming Austrian Forum for Peace in the Peace Castle Stadtschlaining (Burgenland Region of Austria).

Hopefully there will be a chance to talk about his research focusing on the linkage between a widespread domestic violence (against children and women) in the countries of the world and their tendency to be involved in armed conflicts.

Austrian Forum for Peace 2023